Document Type : Original Article
1 Pedagogical Department E.E., Section of Mathematics and Informatics, National and Capodistrian University of Athens, 4, Agamemnonos Str. Aghia Paraskevi, Athens 15342, Greece.
2 Department of Mathematics, Government Arts College, Tiruvannamalai - 606 603, TamilNadu, India.
3 Department of Mathematics, Shanmuga Industries Arts and Science College, Tiruvannamalai - 606 603, TamilNadu, India.
In this paper, we introduce and examine the generalized Ulam-Hyers stability of fixed Euler-Lagrange k-Cubic-Quartic functional Equation
f(x+ky) + f(kx+y) + f(x-ky) + f(y-kx) = k2[2f(x+y) + f(x-y) + f(y-x)] + 2(k4-1) [f(x) + f(y)] +k2/4(k2-1) [f(2x) + f(2y)]
where k is a real number with k ≠ 0, ±1 in various Banach spaces with the help of two different methods.