We strongly prefer to receive manuscripts via our online submission system. Using this system, authors can upload manuscript files directly to our office and check on the status of their manuscripts during the review process. In addition, reviewers can access the manuscripts (in a highly secure fashion that maintains referee anonymity) over a direct internet link, which speeds the review process.
All files should complete and send by manuscript file: DOWNLOAD FILES
The submission should include the original source (including all style files and figures) and a PDF version of the compiled output.
Manuscript Organization
Manuscripts (original research) should contain following sections: Title, Authors names, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Results & Discussion, Acknowledgements, References, Figure Legends, Table Legends and Supplementary files, if any. Tables and figures can be inserted into the main text or added at the end of the manuscript.
Title should be concise, informative and representative of the contents of the manuscript. Abbreviations should be avoided within the title.
- Full affiliations, postal addresses and emails must be given for all authors. Contact information (phone and fax number) of corresponding author is necessary.
- Abstract containing objective and scope of the study should notify the important and significant results of the study. The abstract should comprise a brief review of the contents and the conclusions of the paper.
- Keywords (3-6 words) should be provided directly below the abstract.
- Introduction should illustrate problem statement and background of the study including literature review to justify the importance of study.
- Results and discussion (into one or two sections) should include results and their interpretations preferably by literature support of previous related studies and reasonable discussion of hypothesis.
- Conclusions should clearly summarize the main conclusions of the research giving clear explanation of their importance and emphasizing on potential future directions.
- Acknowledgements (if any) are for any contributions (institutions, persons or agencies) in design of study, data collection, data analysis and financial support (including grant number).
- References are referred to any citations in the text, figures, tables and schemes and vice versa. References have to be listed at the end of manuscript in the numbered format according to their appearance order in the text. In the text, citations should be indicated by the reference number in square brackets i.e. [1].
Authors (corresponding) by submitting a paper say that their manuscript has been neither submitted for publication nor published in anywhere.
Processing Charges
Publishing a manuscript in MACA is free of charge. Note that the articles will be accessed freely online.